Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Great Skin Care Find!

I'm always on the look out for ways to rid my skin of discoloration and past acne scars and so far haven't found anything that has come close to this masque! I don't have a ton of money to go and get fancy procedures or have the time to find a good place these days so when I saw results with this masque I was pleasantly surprised!

Check out the video for a demo and explanation of this product and to hear my thoughts. Personally I feel Arbonne is underrated and love their products.

P.S. You'll get to see me without makeup how fun lol. So hide your small children!!

<3 Danielle

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Ideas?

So this year I decided to hop on the band wagon and do some fun Halloween tutorials. Keep in mind my skill level isn't up to par with Goldiestarling or Myeyeshadowisodd! But I'm learning! :) Feel free to leave your requests here or on the video.

P.S. I have a weekly poll so go ahead and vote for the next look :)