Hey Darlings!
Hope you are all well! I realize some of you are curious as to where I have been these days, and I thought you all deserved an update. I had plenty of ideas, videos and reviews planned for January and February but due to a few events that have taken place that have caused me some grief and a need of a break from my blog and my YouTube. I will resume asap as I love and miss you all already!
As soon as I can get settled and find an area to film I will post a video. I was thinking of starting to do more Celebrity inspired videos and of course the odd review here and there. I find that reviews are tricky for me, and that some people forget that everyone's opinions are different and so is our skin type and so on so not everyone will feel the same way about a product. Lastly I have decided to refrain from doing sponsored or accept products for review as I wanted my channel to be more Tutorials and Favorites than anything else. Of course if there is a product that you would like for me to review I will do my best :).
Also feel free to follow me on Twitter or my Facebook page if you want to chat, ask questions, make requests or just catch up, I am always on those pages! Oh and feel free to post your links, photos your inspired from or links to products you think are interesting or exciting :)!
Thank you all for being so great and subscribing to my channel and following my blog! I never imagined that 100 let alone 10,000 people would be interested in little ol' me. Hope 2012 is a great year for all of us.
Take Care
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